Our focus
The perfect mix for small to medium sized business
Business Accountancy is a medium sized Australian firm that offers a high level of local experience. The three principle partners are client focussed, very approachable, and have over a decade of experience each. We understand the situations clients have, and with the help of 10 professional accountants, we have enough resources to adjust to a wide variety of business objectives. There is also no time wasting in administration due to the hands on culture of the firm. Where other firms may include administration costs, which can sometimes be quite substantial, the hands on culture of Business Accountancy provides substantial savings in time and money and allows our team to concentrate on providing quality and accurate work.
We do not operate on a charge out time quota or pressure our team members to charge greater than 90% of direct time. This avoids timesheet padding and allows our team to place more emphasis on quality of work. ‘Direct Time’ recording is a common method that is used as a measure of employee performance. ‘Time Sheet Padding’ is used to improve the employee’s own performance and as a result, it often leads to extra time charges to the client.
저희는오랫동안 한국인과 기업을 위해서 회계/세무/감사 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 이례적으로 한국인, 호주인파트너가 함께 일하며, 두나라의 문화를 이해하고 고객의 입장에서 고객의 필요를 알기에 더 나은 결과를 창출합니다. 저희는 호주,한인변호사와의 인맥으로 계약이나 소송과정에서도 더 나은 결과를 얻도록 도움을 드립니다.
Chinese Service
Business Accountancy CPA会计师事务所成立于1985年,现位于昆士兰州布里斯班的East Brisbane区。作为一家中型的会计师事务所,我们的团队一共拥有10名优秀的会计师,具有澳大利亚注册会计师执照(CPA),是澳大利亚税务局(ATO)的注册税务代理机构(Tax Agent)。我们公司主要提供的业务范围包括:个人、公司、信托税务服务(Taxation),公司构架规划(business structure),自助养老金管理(SMSF),GST以及BAS申报等。我们致力于为您提供个性化、可靠、专业、迅速的服务,在遵循法律法规的前提下,最大限度地保护您的财产和利益。
We have no administration staff or book keepers that may result in red tape. Instead, all staff members are qualified accountants or in the course of completing CPA qualifications and all have a very hands on approach to ensure all processes are streamlined and efficient.
Australian Tax Laws change constantly and requires Accountants to hold a great deal of knowledge and experience that is both up to date and accurate. At Business Accountancy, discussions, debates and meetings about current Tax issues are held by our Tax Panel that consists of both Senior and Junior Accoutants. Our entire team will therefore hold a good grasp of the issues that may influence your business.
We are here to develop long term, mutually beneficial relationships with you. Replacement of staff creats major inefficiencies with lower standards of work. Every member in Business Accountancy are experienced and there is a good team work environment.
We hold a close relationship with government authorities such as the Brisbane Council and Building Services Authorities. This allows for a clear understanding of the rules and regulations and flawless implementation of compliance work.
About US
Business Accountancy was established as a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) in 1985
Business Accountancy was established as a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) in 1985 by Neville Halloran and Bruce Wilson. Brendan Macdermott and Dave Kang have became partners of Business Accountancy since 2013. Business Accountancy specialises in taxation and Australian business structures to protect assets and minimise tax in a legal manner Our current focus at Business Accountancy is to utilise our members' extensive practical experience in committing to business startup for overseas clients in Australia. With our knowledge of Australian tax law, company law, and extensive practical experience in these areas, we are fully committed in our endeavours to provide the highest quality service to our clients.
This ideal is not only focused on overseas business settling in Australia, but is also focused on assisting Australian clients who plan to open businesses in South Korea, Japan and China. The focus is on property development, meat industry and education industries. The company's largest clients are in the construction, education and meat industries. Business Accountancy hopes to establish an office in Korea in the near future, providing accountancy services for both Australian and Korean clients.
Long Term Staff for ongoing relationships
Our Team
Experience you can trust

Dave Kang

Brendan Macdermott

Neville Halloran